Adult Survey

Key Findings – quantitative responses

Quantitative questions were 70% of the questions within the consultation of which most were made compulsory. This has ensured that the overall opinions of the residents are captured.

The number of respondents agreeing that the strategy provides sufficient information relating to the challenge’s residents will face with climate change was 50%. This is comparatively low and therefore an action will be to produce a topic paper relating to the science behind climate change and the specific challenges Chorley may face in the future.

The number of respondents who agreed with the council’s overall goal for the borough to be net zero by 2030 was 60%. Of the 30% who do not agree with the goal the thematic analysis of the responses are covered below in ‘Key Findings – Qualitative’.

Overall, for the quantitative questions there was an overall agreement to the overall net zero by 2030 goal of the council, and the objective and priorities of the strategy. The strongest agreement was noted for the objectives and priorities related to public engagement, recycling and biodiversity improvements and tree planting. The level of agreement of the strategies objectives and priorities were ~80-90% agreement.

The lowest level of agreement of responses were those regarding changes within the council relating to the decarbonisation of Council owned assets and fleet and embedding climate change in all council decisions. Although these were comparatively lower regarding agreement compared to other objectives and priorities, the agreement was still proportionally high at approximately 70%.

To understand the position of the residents regarding climate change, a question relating to their understand, concern and any changes made was also in the consultation. Most residents said they fully understand the issues and have made personal changes, with the other most common response was that residents are keen to learn more on climate change and changes that can be made.

The overall agreement of the goal, objectives and priorities shows the future work stream and focuses of the council relating to climate change is in line with those of the Chorley residents.

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