Youth Survey

Key Findings – quantitative responses

Quantitative questions were ~70% of the questions within the consultation of which most were made compulsory, this is a similar split to that of the adult survey. This has ensured that the overall opinions of the residents are captured.

80% of youth residents who responded agreed with the overall goal for the borough to be net zero by 2030. Of those that did not agree with the goal, 12% did not understand what the goal means, this follows the key themes noted in the adult survey regarding the want for further education and engagement.  

Overall, there was a strong support to the objectives set within the strategy. The majority of responses stated that all objectives are ‘very important’, the highest level of agreement was noted for the increase in tree coverage and nature recovery and reducing the carbon emissions as council. This response differs from the adult survey with reducing carbon emissions as a council being lower in agreeance in the adult survey. The varied agreement between of level of importance between the adult and youth survey displays that all areas for both areas have been captured.

The importance of the priorities within the strategy were broken down into multiple selection question with respondents selecting all priorities of importance. Of the 12 priorities listed, 8 of the priorities had over 60% agreement of importance with protecting wildlife, planting more trees, and increasing recycling rates having the highest agreement proportion of 76, 80 and 79% respectively. Those with the lowest agreement included sustainable travel within the council and information sharing within the borough.

To understand the position of the youth people regarding climate change, a question relating to their understanding, concern and any resulting changes in their life was also in the consultation. Over 80% of respondents stated that they understand climate change and are taking steps in their daily life to change, whilst 13% said they do not know how to help. 

The overall agreement to the goal, objectives and priorities shows the future work stream and focuses of the council relating to climate change is in line with those of the Chorley youth residents. The key themes, agreeance and level of knowledge was similar to that of the adult youth survey. The council’s responses to these main themes have been covered below in ‘Main Themes and Our Responses’. 

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