Key Findings – qualitative /open ended responses

We asked a number of qualitative questions to capture the opinions of those who did not agree with the goal, objectives, or priorities. There were also a number of open-ended questions requesting comments relating to the actions, such as least and most important and any additional comments. Open ended questions were not made compulsory, the response rate of qualitative questions ranged from 37% to 71% with the highest response from asking what actions are most important to residents.

Qualitative questions have been thematically analysed to establish trends and repeating patterns to ensure that repeating patterns and continual patterns are captured.

A common theme amongst respondents were regarding the need for transport improvements both private and public such as cycle lanes, EV chargepoints and bus and train schemes and systems was continually noted throughout. The improvement and protect of green spaces and continuation of tree plants was also a recurring theme, commonly noted in conjunction with developments in the borough. Waste and recycling were continually noted with comments relating to changes and improvements to the current service. The waste and recycling strategy is currently in draft and responses from this consultation will be carried over to aid in the drafting of the waste and recycling strategy. Finally, increased engagement and varying forms of education was requested as part of this strategy. The Council’s responses to these main themes have been covered below in ‘Main Themes and Our Responses’.

The council set the ambitious aim to work towards having the borough net zero by 2030. As noted earlier, 30% of respondents did not agree with this aim. Responses on alternatives aims were focused around priorities of other Council services, financial concerns, and concerns surrounding the time scale of the goal. The council has appointed additional qualified staff to focus on the climate change programme to ensure other services within the council continue to have focused and dedicated officers. The climate change team are continually researching and sourcing external funding avenues to fund the climate change programme and strive to the reach the net zero goal as early as possible.

Concerns relating to the financial cost of the work, the science behind the work and development within the borough were also recurring throughout the consultation and also throughout comments on social media.

The main themes, summary and Council responses regarding those noted are discussed further in ‘Main Themes and Our Response’.

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