Main themes and our response

The following themes were identified throughout the consultation of both the adult and youth survey, written responses, and social media comments.

The themes in the table below are common areas of action and actions of greatest concerns to respondents. These themes have a summary of the feedback given and the council’s response and any additional actions taken within the final draft of the strategy.

any additional actions taken within the final draft of the strategy.


Summary of Feedback

Council Response Including Change to the Climate Change Strategy


Education and Engagement

More information of the challenges we face

Existing Action - Publish topic paper on climate change and the scientific evidence behind climate change on the Council website

Advise on how to help mitigate climate change including with translations

Existing action - Develop an online ‘Climate Change Handbook’. A collection of information for sustainability, detailing organisations and local businesses who can support climate change initiatives, recycling, and decarbonisation initiatives

Community events and increased support

New action - Draft and publish Climate Change Engagement Strategy with specific actions relating to community events, support and advice

Existing Action - Coordinate and enable community-based and online events, campaigns, and training opportunities on a number of topics relating to climate change.

Existing Action - Work with partners such as Inspire Youth Zone and the Schools to develop a programme of learning for young people on climate change

New Action – Collaborate with local universities for increased research an education within the borough.


Provision of Electric Vehicle Charging Points within the borough

Existing Action - Produce a feasibility study of the installation of EV charging points

New Action - Develop and publish an EV Infrastructure Strategy to include specific actions relating to EV charging and relevant policies

Increase accessibility of public transport including buses and trains

Existing Action - Deliver the recommendations of the Sustainable Public Transport Overview and Scrutiny Task Group.

Increase the provision of walking and cycling within the borough

Existing Action - Produce an Infrastructure Delivery Plan which includes new schemes for cycling, walking and improved public transport

New Action - Increase cycle storage within the town centre and Astley park

New action- undertake a survey about Cycling in Chorley to inform future investment

Existing Action - Working with the Canal and Rivers Trust develop a programme of potential investment in the network in Chorley

Additional actions relating to transport include

Existing Action - Develop a plan to progress the councils conversion to electric vehicles

Existing Action - Investigate the feasibility and business case for the council to establish a service to offer HVO fuel for residents to use in own private vehicles, include safety, financial, legal and demand

Recycling and Waste


Improvement of waste and recycling for residential properties and in public spaces

Existing action – draft and publish a Waste and Recycling Strategy

Keep cup and podback scheme

New Action - investigate feasibility and potential uptake of reuse schemes including keep cup and podback

The Natural Environment, Green Spaces and Tree Planting


Ensure the protection of wildlife and green belt

Existing Action - Develop & adopt Local Plan policies for climate change including flood risk & sustainable drainage, biodiversity net gain, green and blue infrastructure, open space, clean energy, and sustainable transport.

Plant more trees

Existing action – plant 116,875 trees, one for every resident by 2025.

New Action - Tree giveaways twice a year for residents to plant their own trees until 2025

Existing Action - Deliver a comprehensive system to record the baseline of canopy tree cover and spatial distribution of the ongoing planting

Additional avenues of work stemming from consultation responses

Renewable energy sources

New Action – Investigate the feasibility of large scale renewable energy installation programs to home owners for potential discounts and support to homeowners

Carbon emissions within the borough and by the council

Existing action - Undertake an annual carbon footprint audit of the council and report progress

Continue engagement with youth residents

Existing Action - Work with partners such as Inspire Youth Zone and the Schools to develop a programme of learning for young people on climate change

The table below illustrates common themes raised throughout both the adult and youth survey, written responses, and social media comments. These themes have a summary of the feedback given and the council’s response and any additional actions taken within the final draft of the strategy.


Summary of Feedback

Council Response Including Change to the Climate Change Strategy

Financial Cost

Concerns regarding the cost surrounding the completion of the programme

The council is committed to addressing climate change and has already committed £750,000 and dedicated staffing for the programme. Further collaboration will be made as and when required.

The science behind climate change

Comments regarding the differences of opinions as the presence and effects of climate change

Climate Change is a complex and technical issue. The council will deliver a Climate Change Engagement Strategy which will use a variety of methods to make information about changes to the planet, our environment and in biodiversity (and what this means for us) available to everyone in a format which is easy to understand. It is important that simple messages about the facts of climate change are shared to raise awareness and ‘myth bust’ common misconceptions.  

Development in the borough

Concerns regarding the development and building of residential properties within the borough

The council recognises local concerns about the level of development in the borough. A new local plan is being prepared and future development will be planned, taking full account of impact on the environment and climate change.

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