Health and Safety

26.1  Work carried out at the Premises before (setting up) during or after (dismantling) an Event must be undertaken by participants/ contractors (including artistes) in accordance with the requirements of safety legislation.

26.2 The Hirer shall take all reasonable care to ensure the health and safety of all persons involved or attending the Premises for the purpose for which it was booked and observe any requirement placed upon them under the relevant Health and Safety Legislation and Regulations.

26.3 The Hirer shall familiarise themselves with the locations of emergency exits prior to the Event; in particular the Safe Evacuation Procedure attached hereto. Fire doors must not be wedged open at any time.

26.4 Emergency equipment (e.g. fire extinguishers) must be fully accessible at all times and only used for the purpose intended. The costs incurred to replace damaged, lost or stolen emergency equipment will be recharged to the Hirer.

26.5 The Hirer shall keep all passages and staircases within the Premises free from any obstruction.

26.6 The Hirer shall ensure that cables of machinery, electrical appliances, telephones etc, must not be allowed to trail on floors where they are likely to cause a trip hazard.

26.7 The Hirer shall report any dangerous conditions to the Democratic Services Manager or an Attendant on duty at the event.

26.8 Accidents must be reported to the Democratic Services Manager and/or an Attendant on duty at the event, for the appropriate entry to be made in the Accident Book no matter how small.

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