Safeguarding of Children and Vulnerable Adults

The taxi trade has a very important role to play in ensuring that children and vulnerable adults have access to education and services by providing transport. It is imperative for the protection of those individuals and the reputation of the licensed taxi trade in the borough that drivers undergo adequate checks at the time of application and that the Council has a robust response to complaints and allegations.

It is the responsibility of every individual in society to protect children and vulnerable adults from harm by reporting concerns and supporting the relevant authorities in any investigations.

Where the Council is in receipt of a complaint or allegation regarding concerns over the conduct of a licensed driver or operator then the relevant licence will be suspended forthwith. The matter will be fully investigated and matter referred to the General Licensing Sub-Committee for determination.

Relevant and unlawful activities include but are not limited to physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, including child sexual exploitation, or neglect of children and vulnerable adults.

Following further investigations, if it is apparent at any time that any licensed driver or operator is found to be complicit in any unlawful activities by way of failing to report concerns then their licence will also be suspended further to a review by the committee.

The Council may suspend or revoke a licence regardless of charge or conviction by the police where the licensing authority determines that there is a risk to public safety.

The Council will have regard to the ‘Safeguarding, Suitability and Convictions Statement of Policy for Taxi Licensing’ (Appendix 2).

The principle of mandatory safeguarding training for all drivers and operators has been agreed by the Licensing and Public Safety Committee. All existing Drivers, vehicle owners and private hire operators are required to attend Safeguarding and CSE Awareness Training. Applicants for the grant or renewal of a driver licence or private hire operator licence will be required to complete a safeguarding training package (except where an existing driver/ operator has attended the Council’s course within the last 12 months prior to their renewal).

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