Change of Vehicle

There is no provision within legislation or the Council’s policy for a proprietor to change a vehicle within an existing licence. Where a vehicle is substituted, either permanently or temporarily, then a new application for a grant of a vehicle licence is required. The new licence will be valid for 6 months, unless subject to surrender, suspension or revocation.

The specific provisions in relation to Hackney Carriage Vehicles are as follows:

  • Where the above applies to a HC Vehicle licence the Council will only recognise applications from existing HC vehicle proprietors whose details appear on the Council’s register. In such circumstances any application received shall be made in the name of all the registered proprietors for that vehicle. In the case of an existing WAV vehicle only another WAV vehicle will be considered in accordance with the Council’s HCV licensing conditions of application.
  • Where a vehicle is presented on behalf of an existing HCV proprietor by a company whose business it is to provide relief taxi vehicles (such a company shall be a company recorded at companies house and be of limited status), the application shall reflect the registered keeper details given in the V5 document alongside the original proprietors.
  • Where the change of vehicle applies to a HC Vehicle licence the original licence number will be preserved to protect the plate for the HC vehicle proprietor. In all other cases a new Licence & Licence Plate will be issued with a New Number.
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