Overview of consultation methodology

The climate change strategy consultation took place from the 11 February 2022 to the 25 April 2022. The public consultation took place upon the approval of a draft climate change strategy from Executive Cabinet. Both youth (13 to 18 years old) and adults (18+ years old) surveys were created to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the main issues, understanding and wants of the residents in Chorley including the youth population.

An accessible version and designed version of the strategy was made available on the council’s website with a survey written on Citizen Space for responses. The questions within the survey were a mix of multiple choice (quantitative) and open questions (qualitative). Questions covered all areas of the strategy including the main goal of the council, to be net zero by 2030, the objectives, the priorities, and the actions within the strategy. Both the adult and resident survey covered similar questions and themes with slight rewording to target the age group.

The strategy was promoted on social media, Facebook, LinkedIn and the council website routinely throughout the consultation dates. A total of 2 date ranges sponsored posts were done on social media to promote the completion of the strategy.

A number of in-person events promotion of the climate change strategy also took place including a presentation at the Parish Liaison meeting and a number of schools. The consultation was also promoted at events including the Tree Giveaway and Chorley in Bloom.

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