Items for your agenda

The bulk of your agenda will simply be the items you need to discuss. Make each important matter a separate item.

  • look through the minutes of your last meeting. Are there any things to report back on? Are there items that need to be discussed again? Put each issue down as a separate item
  • have you received any information - for example about meetings or other events - you need to tell everyone about?
  • some groups always include an item 'minutes of the last meeting'. The purpose of this is to agree that the minutes of the last meeting are accurate and reflect what happened. If your group is very small and informal you may decide you don't need to do this
  • some groups have 'standing items' on their agendas. These are items that are always on the agenda at every meeting. They are usually reports from officers such as the Treasurer, or reports from sub-groups
  • 'Any Other Business' is a regular item at the end of most agendas. It allows people to raise issues that aren't already on the agenda
  • try to avoid 'Any Other Business' taking up the majority of the meeting. If you can, it's better to find out beforehand what people want on the agenda. This allows you to organise the meeting more efficiently.
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