At the start of the period of the hiring the hirer is responsible for setting out tables and chairs to meet the requirements of the purpose of the hiring unless an alternative arrangement has previously been made and agreed with the council.
Prior to the expiration of the period of the hiring the hirer is responsible for cleaning, folding, and putting away tables and chairs. If hirer has used the kitchen or café, hirers are required to wash up, dry and put away any crockery, pots and pans and cutlery that has been used.
On the expiration of each period of the hiring the hirer is to remove all equipment previously brought in by or on behalf of the hirer.
At the expiration of each period of the hiring the hirer is to leave the centre in a clean and orderly state free from litter and in particular (but without prejudice to the generality of the above) all food should be removed, and the kitchen and other areas left in a clean and sanitary condition. All rooms and hire spaces (inclusive of toilets and storage areas) should be left ‘as found’ to assist other users and hirers of the community centre. Cleaning equipment and products will be made available to all users and will be noted as part of the initial induction process.
All waste that exceeds more than the average daily waste produced in the centre (2 bin bags) including all food waste, bottles and cans must be removed from the centre and disposed of off-site by the hirer.
Long term hirers may use space allocated to the hirer by the council for the purpose of storage after obtaining the consent the council. Any further storage space must be agreed in advance with the council and the council reserves the right to remove any goods or property of any description in breach of this requirement. Goods stored by the Hirer must be stored safely and securely and at the hirer’s risk without causing obstruction or inconvenience to the council or other users of the centre.
At the expiration of the period of the hiring all goods and equipment previously brought in by or on behalf of the hirer must be removed from the building. Goods or equipment left on site will be removed and disposed of as the council deems fit and the council and its officers will not be held liable for any cost relating to the loss of the equipment, but the Hirer may be held liable for any cost incurred by the council for the disposal of the equipment.