The hirer must not do or permit any act matter or thing which would or might constitute a breach of any statutory requirement affecting the centre or which would or might invalidate in whole or in part any insurance effected in respect of the centre.
The hirer must comply with all the conditions and regulations made in respect of the centre by the Fire Authority (copy on request) in particular:
the hirer must be aware of the positions of the fire exits and fire-fighting equipment. Fire exits and firefighting equipment should only be used for the purpose they were intended.
no highly flammable substances may be brought into the centre or onto the centre around the centre and no combustible decorations or candles may be used in the centre.
no chemicals, paints, solvents or cleaning products should be brought into the centre without prior consent of the council representative. Any agreed items will require associated COSHH data sheets and risk assessments prior to authorisation
gangways and fire exits must be kept clear of obstruction at all times
if the fire services are called out to any outbreak of fire, however slight, details of the incident must be given to the council.
In the event that the hirer prepares serves or sells food in the centre the hirer must seek and comply with the advice of the council’s Environmental Health Unit in regard to food hygiene standards. This condition applies to all food types but is particularly relevant to high-risk foods such as cooked and raw meat, prepared salads, quiches, prawns, fresh cream, or sandwiches containing any of the above.
Places used by the hirer for the preparation of food should comply with food hygiene regulations and must be inspected by an Environmental Health Officer.
All individuals preparing food should have received formal food hygiene training and be able to provide evidence of this prior to confirmation of any related hire period.
Food must not be left in the centre refrigerator or freezer after the period of hiring. Any items left in the refrigerator and freezer will be removed without prior notice or compensation.
Where there is a request to run a food business within the centre, the hirer should ensure they have registered as a food business. The hirer will be required to provide evidence of this registration to the council, at least 8 weeks prior to the start of the hire period.
the hirer should provide risk assessments tailored to the food business, and these risk assessments should run in conjunction with food safety guidelines, procedures, legal requirements, and best practice.
the hirer will be responsible for ensuring all community centre rooms, hirer spaces and equipment are suitable for the needs of the food business prior to the start of the hire.
the hirer will be responsible for ensuring all food safety and local cleanliness standards are maintained at the community centre for the full duration of the hire period.
the hirer/food business should reach a minimum rating of 4 in line with the food hygiene rating scheme. Failure to reach or maintain this rating may result in cancellation of the hire period by the council.