Cancellation/termination by hirer – one off events/private parties/events
The hirer must adhere to the period of the hiring and any changes must be agreed with the council by emailing the booking officer. Hirers should note that all changes must be emailed in by the hirer
If the hirer wishes to cancel the full hire agreement then the hirer must give to the council notice to that effect. If such notice is given not later than 10 working days (2 weeks) prior to the period of the hiring then the council will refund/not charge to the hirer the fee but otherwise the council will be entitled to retain/ claim the whole fee.
Cancellation/termination by hirer - advanced bookings/block bookings/agreed dates
The hirer must adhere to the period of the hiring and any changes must be agreed with the council in writing. Hirers should note that all changes must be emailed to the bookings officer
If a booking agreement for advanced bookings/block bookings/agreed dates, and the hirer wishes to cancel or terminate the agreement then the hirer must give to the council notice to that effect. If such notice is given not later than 10 working days (2 weeks) prior to the period of the hiring, then the council will refund/not charge to the hirer the hire fee but otherwise the council reserves the right to retain/ claim the whole fee (particularly in the event that it is unable to obtain an alternative booking) and the Hirer shall be liable to pay the council. The booking shall only be deemed cancelled upon receipt of written and/or emailed notification of such by the hirer.
Cancellation/termination by hirer - advanced block bookings (6 month hire)
The hirer must adhere to the period of the hiring and any changes must be agreed with the council by email or in writing. Hirers should note that all changes must be emailed to the bookings officer
If a block booking agreement is required on a regular basis each week/month (or variation thereof) over a 6 month hire period and is made more than three weeks in advance, and the hirer wishes to cancel/terminate a single or multiple sessions within that agreement then the hirer must give to the council notice to that effect. Such notice should be given not later than 10 working days (2 weeks) prior to the period of the hiring. Sessions not cancelled following the agreed process that impact on other users and the council, may incur an additional administration charge of £25. Continued failure to inform the booking office of cancelled session may result in the council terminating the hirer’s agreements as detailed in point 1 of the next section. The booking shall only be deemed cancelled upon receipt of written and/or emailed notification of such by the hirer. Cancelled sessions for hirers who block book shall not be refunded
If a block booking agreement is required on a regular basis each week/month (or variation thereof) and is made more than 3 weeks in advance, and the hirer wishes to terminate the full agreement then the hirer must give to the council notice to that effect. If such notice is given not later than 10 working days (2 weeks) prior to the period of the hiring then the council will refund/not charge to the hirer the hire fee but otherwise the council reserves the right to retain/ claim the whole fee (particularly in the event that it is unable to obtain an alternative booking) and the hirer shall be liable to pay the council. The booking shall only be deemed cancelled upon receipt of written and/or emailed notification of such by the hirer
Once a block booking agreement has been cancelled in full, a credit/refund shall be issued to the hirer if the hirer has overpaid for sessions.
Cancellation/termination by hirer – internal, council funded, free of charge
The hirer must adhere to the period of the hiring and any changes must be agreed with the council by emailing the bookings officer. Hirers should note that all changes must be emailed to the bookings officer
If the hirer wishes to cancel the agreement, then the hirer must give to the council notice to that effect. If such notice is given not later than 10 working days (2 weeks) prior to the period of the hiring then the cuncil may re-charge the hirer for the period of hire at £20 per hour.
Term time or agreed hire date bookings
Hirers wishing to still block book agreed dates/time are to submit hire times/dates on or before 10 February for the hire period of April till end of September and 10 August for the hire period of October till end of March. Should hirers miss these cutoff dates hirers/groups will automatically be booked in and invoiced for all sessions
If hirer has missed the cutoff date for suppling agreed hire dates, a £100 admin fee will be required to update the bookings and invoice. This will cover the cancellation of the invoice and rebooking of all future sessions.