
During the Period of the Hiring the Hirer is to be responsible for the efficient:

  1. Supervision of the Centre including the effective control of children.
  2. The orderly and safe admission and departure of persons to and from the Centre including car parking arrangements avoiding undue noise on arrival and departure especially where the Period of the Hiring finishes after 9 pm.
  3. The orderly and safe evacuation of the Centre in case of emergency including an effective evacuation plan that is inclusive of disabled people and identifies responsible persons.
  4. The safety of the Centre and fabric of the building.
  5. The preservation of good order and decency in the Centre.
  6. Ensuring that all doors giving egress from the Centre are left unfastened and unobstructed and immediately available for exit.
  7. Hirer's delivering activities or care services involving children or vulnerable adults must ensure that:
    No staff and volunteers have convictions or other entries revealed on a Disclosure & Barring Service check which gives rise to concerns about their suitability to come into contact with children or vulnerable adults (evidence of the Disclosure & Barring Service check of staff and volunteers to be supplied to the Council when requested)
    All staff and volunteers comply with the Council's Child Protection Policy (Copy on request)
    The service has appropriate Ofsted clearance and approval
    Evidence of DBS checks or a suitable 'Safeguarding Policy' has been shown to the Council prior to any activity of hire period.
  8. The Hirer must provide an adequate number of competent stewards/attendants to ensure that they can meet all of the above requirements and in the case of children's groups, activities or party hire where the majority of those attending will be under eighteen years of age, the Hirer must ensure that there is a constant ratio of:
    1 adult per 8 children of 5 years and under 
    1 adult per 10 children over 5 years of age
  9. Failure to ensure the correct ratio will render the Agreement invalid and the Council will terminate the use of the Centre by the Hirer immediately without incurring liability for any loss or inconvenience caused as a result of the cancellation.
  10. Any accident or incident occurring at the Centre must be recorded using an accident report form kept in the Health & Safety Cupboard located in the kitchen. The completed accident form must be left with a member of staff.
  11. Only the Hirer is allowed into storage areas with exception to Chorley Council Staff and Contractors working within Community Centres for the purpose of maintenance repairs and day to day duties.
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