Planning Appeal - HM Prison Wymott, Moss Lane, Ulnes Walton, Leyland, PR26 8LW

This page is dedicated to the planning appeal at HM Prison Wymott, Moss Lane, Ulnes Walton, Leyland, PR26 8LW

Appeal ref: APP/D2320/W/22/3295556 

Planning application ref: 21/01028/OUTMAJ

UPDATE: The re-opened Inquiry closed on Friday 26 April 2024. The evidence presented to the Inquiry is now under consideration by the appointed Planning Inspector. Further information regarding the Appeal will be published on this page as soon as it has been made available to the Council.

Appeal Final Decision

Appellant Letter Regarding Sequential Test in Respect of Surface Water Flood Risk

Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 Section 55 and Schedule 2

Documents submitted following April 2024 Inquiry

Appellant - NPPF Consultation

Comment on draft NPPF

Inquiry Programme

Inquiry re-opened

Statement of Common Ground (On behalf of the Ministry of Justice)

Case Management Conference Note

Case Management Conference Agenda

Case Management Conference Joining Instructions

Letter Regarding Inquiry Re-Opening

Updated core documents list

The Core Documents are the main documents that will be referred to during the Inquiry. The document below lists them with their reference numbers:

Core Document List November 2023

Re-opened inquiry core documents 

Section A: Planning application documents

A1 Application Form

A2 Covering Letter

A3 Planning Statement

A4 Draft Heads of Terms

A5 Design and Access Statement

A6 Air Quality Assessment

A7 Arboricultural Impact Assessment and Method Statement

A8 Agricultural Land Classification

A9 Ecological Impact Assessment

A10 - Barn owl survey

A11 Bat activity surveys

A12 Bat Roost Surveys (Buildings)

A13 Bat Roost Surveys (Woodland)

A14 Great Crested Newt Survey

A15 Water vole survey

A16 Biodiversity Net Gain Report

A17 Biodiversity Net Gain Calculation (excel spreadsheet)

A18 Flood Risk Assessment

A19 Proposed Foul Water Drainage Strategy Report

A20 Proposed SUDS Strategy Report

A21 Proposed Surface Water Drainage Strategy Report

A22 Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment

A23 Phase I and II Geoenvironmental Site Assessment

A24 Heritage Statement

A25 Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment

A26 Socio Economic Statement

A27 Statement of Community Involvement

A28 Bowling Green Building Services Report

A29 Utility Report

A30 Waste Management Strategy

A31 Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment

A32 Energy and Sustainability Statement

A33 Appendix A - BREEAM 2018 New Construction Pre-Assessment Report

A34 External Lighting Report

A35 Transport Assessment

A36 Outline Travel Plan

A37 Transport Assessment - Technical Addendum

A38 Response to LLFA Comments

A39 Response to Sport England Comments

A40 Response to United Utilities Comments

A41 Response to Public Comments


Site wide drawings

A42 Topographical Survey 608623-0000-CEN-GHX0000-XX-SU-X-1000 P05

A43 Site Location Plan 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0011-ZZ-DR-A-9000 P05

A44 Site Demolition Plan 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0011-ZZ-DR-A-9002 P05

A45 Site Phasing Plan 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0011-ZZ-DR-A-9400 P04

A46 Comprehensive Landscape Masterplan 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0011-XX-DR-L-0301 P06

New prison drawings

A47 Site Block Plan Existing 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0011-ZZ-DR-A-9001 P04

A48 Site Block Plan Proposed (superseded) 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0011-ZZ-DR-A-9100 P06

A49 Site Block Plan Proposed 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0011-ZZ-DR-A-9100 P07

A50 Site Sections Existing 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0011-ZZ-DR-A-9201 P04

A51 Site Sections Proposed 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0011-ZZ-DR-A-9200 P04

A52 Aerial View Indicative CGI 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0011-XX-SK-A-9015 P03

A53 Pedestrian Approach Indicative CGI 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0011-XX-SK-A-9016 P02

A54 External Lighting Layout - Sheet 01 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0011-ZZ-DR-E-6310 P02

A55 External Lighting Layout - Sheet 02 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0011-ZZ-DR-E-6311 P02

A56 External Lighting Layout - Sheet 03 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0011-ZZ-DR-E-6312 P01

Bowling green

A59 Site Block Plan Existing (BC) 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0031-ZZ-DR-A-9001 P04

A60 Site Block Plan Proposed (BC) 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0031-ZZ-DR-A-9100 P04

A61 Site Sections Existing (BC) 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0031-ZZ-DR-A-9200 P03

A62 Site Sections Proposed (BC) 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0031-ZZ-DR-A-9201 P04

A63 Elevations Proposed (BC) 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0031-ZZ-DR-A-9400 P03

A64 Ground Floor Plan Proposed (BC) 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0031-00-DR-A-9300 P03

A65 Roof Plan Proposed (BC) 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0031-R0-DR-A-9301 P05

A66 Bowling Green Landscape Proposals (BC) 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0031-XX-DR-L-0405 P03

A67 Bowling Green External Lighting Layout-Sheet 01 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0031-ZZ-DR-E-6310 P02

A68 Bowling Green External Lighting Layout-Sheet 02 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0031-ZZ-DR-E-6311 P02

A69 Proposed 3D Visuals (BC) 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0031-ZZ-DR-A-9500 P04

A70 Proposed Highways General Arrangement Plan (BC) 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0031-ZZ-DR-C-0700 P02

A71 Visibility Splay Plan (BC) 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0031-ZZ-DR-C-2600 P03

A72 Proposed Highways-Long Sections (BC) 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0031-ZZ-DR-C-0701 P02

A73 Proposed Highways-Cross Sections (BC) 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0031-ZZ-DR-C-0702 P02

A74 Swept Path Analysis-Light Goods Vehicle (BC) 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0031-ZZ-DR-C-2601 P02

A75 Swept Path Analysis-Refuse Vehicle (BC) 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0031-ZZ-DR-C-2602 P02

A76 Swept Path Analysis-Standard Design Vehicle (BC) 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0031-ZZ-DR-C-2603 P02

A77 Swept Path Analysis-Fire Tender (BC) 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0031-ZZ-DR-C-2604 P02

A78 Drainage Details (BC) 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0031-ZZ-DR-C-6501 P01

A79 Proposed Highways-Proposed Surface Water Drainage (BC) 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0031-ZZ-DR-C-0502 P02

A80 Proposed Site Utilities Plan (BC) 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0031-ZZ-DR-E-0600 P03

Boiler house

A81 Site Block Plan Boiler House Existing (BH) 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0021-ZZ-DR-A-9001 P02

A82 Site Block Plan Boiler House Proposed (BH) 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0021-ZZ-DR-A-9100 P02

A83 Site Block Plan Car Park Existing (BH) 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0021-ZZ-DR-A-9002 P02

A84 Site Block Plan Car Park Proposed (BH) 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0021-ZZ-DR-A-9101 P02

A85 Site Sections Proposed (BH) 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0021-ZZ-DR-A-9200 P02

A86 Site Sections Existing (BH) 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0021-ZZ-DR-A-9201 P02

A87 Swept Path Analysis-Light Goods Vehicle (BH) 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0021-ZZ-DR-C-2601 P02

A88 Swept Path Analysis-Refuse Vehicle (BH) 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0021-ZZ-DR-C-2602 P02

A89 Swept Path Analysis-Standard Design Vehicle (BH) 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0021-ZZ-DR-C-2603 P02

A90 Swept Path Analysis-Articulated Heavy Goods Vehicle (BH) 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0021-ZZ-DR-C-2604 P02

A91 Swept Path Analysis-Fire Tender (BH) 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0021-ZZ-DR-C-2605 P02

A92 Proposed Highways General Arrangement Plan (BH) 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0021-ZZ-DR-C-0700 P02

A93 Visibility Splay Plan (BH) 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0021-ZZ-DR-C-2600 P03

A94 Drainage Details (BH) 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0021-ZZ-DR-C-6501 P01

A95 Boiler House & Relocated Car Park External Lighting Layout (BH) 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0021-ZZ-DR-E-6300 P03

A96 Portacabin Details and Photo Sheet (BH) 608623-0000-CUS-GHX0000-XX-RP-T-0004 P01

Planning Committee

A97 Officer report to 21/12/2021 Planning Committee

A98 Addendum to Officer report to 21/12/2021 Planning Committee

A99 Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting 21/12/2021

Decision notice

A100 Decision Notice, dated 22/12/2021

Section B: Application consultation responses

B1 Lancashire County Council Highways 08.12.2021

B2 United Utilities 21.12.2021

B3 Lead Local Flood Authority 04.10.2021

B4 Historic Environment Team 30.09.2021

B5 Designing Out Crime Officer 29.09.2021

B6 Environment Agency 05.10.2021

B7 Natural England 24.09.2021

B8 Waste and Contaminated Land Officer 22.09.2021

B9 Employment Skills Officer 16.09.2021

B10 CIL Officer 17.09.2021

B11 National Air Traffic Services 16.09.2021

B12 Trees Officer 30.09.2021

B13 Greater Manchester Ecology Unit 26.11.2021

B14 Sport England 04.10.2021

B15 Sport England 25.11.2021

Section C: Planning appeal documents

C1 Planning Appeal Form

C2 Appellant Statement of Case

C3 Draft Statement of Common Ground

C4 LPA Statement of Case

C5 Ulnes Walton Action Group Statement of Case

C6 Draft Heads of Terms submitted by the Appellant

C7 MOJ/LPA Signed Statement of Common Ground

C8 MOJ/UWAG Signed Statement of Common Ground

C9 Final agreed S106 Agreement

C10 CIL Compliance Statement

Section D: Planning appeal representations

D1 to D140 (ZIP)









Section E: Appellant's proofs of evidence and documents submitted prior to the Inquiry

E1 Site Search Outputs May 2022

E2 Planning Proof of Evidence by Ms Katrina Hulse

E2a Planning PoE Appendix A Economic Benefits Note

E2b Planning PoE Appendix B Ecology Note

E2c Planning PoE Appendix C External Lighting Note

E3 Need Proof of Evidence by Mr Robin Seaton

E4 Transport Proof of Evidence by Mr Steve Yeates

E4a Transport PoE Appendices

E5 Noise Proof of Evidence by Mr Eddy Goldsmith

E6 Landscape and Visual Matters Proof of Evidence by Ms Katie Machin

E7 Bat hibernation survey of building B15 (March 2022)

E8 Breeding Bird Survey June 2022

E9 GCN eDNA survey update June 2022

E10 Need Rebuttal by Mr Robin Seaton

E11 Need Rebuttal Appendix

E12 Transport Rebuttal by Mr Steve Yeates

E13 Noise Rebuttal by Mr Eddie Goldsmith

E14 Ecology Rebuttal by Mr Chris Gleed-Owen

E15 Economic Benefits Rebuttal by Mr Richard Cook

E16 Alternative Sites Rebuttal by Ms Katrina Hulse

Section F: Chorley Council's proofs of evidence and documents submitted prior to the Inquiry

F1 Proof of Evidence of Tamsin Cottle

F2 Summary of Proof of Evidence of Tamsin Cottle

F3 Proof of Evidence of Kevin Riley

F4 Summary of Proof of Evidence of Kevin Riley

Section G: Ulnes Walton Action Group's proofs of evidence and documents submitted prior to the Inquiry

G1 - UWAG Planning Proof of Evidence (Jackie Copley)

G2 - Emma Curtis Proof of Evidence

G2a - I. Prison Population Projections 2020 - 2026

G2b - II. Prison Population Projections 2021 - 2026

G2c - III. Police officer uplift, England and Wales, quarterly update to 31 March 2022

G2d - IV. Reducing the Backlog in criminal courts

G2e Appendix V. Population Bulletin Monthly February 2020

G2f Appendix VI. Population Bulletin Weekly 10 June 2022

G2g Appendix VII. Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment produced by Hydrock

G2h Appendix VIII. UWAG commission Noise Survey

G2i Appendix IX. Personal Statements from local residents

G2j Appendix X. UWAG Prison Projections Comparison

G2k Appendix XI. UWAG Parking Allocations at WG2 

G3 UWAG Proof of Evidence - Accessibility & Travel (Lynette Morrissey)

G3a Appendix 1 Wymott-web-2020

G3b Appendix 2 Garth-Web-2019

G3c Appendix 3 Ulnes Walton Lane Road Width (2) formatted

G3d Appendix 4 Traffic Survey Summary


G3f Appendix 6 Sample journeys Wymott v Kirkham

G4 Proof of Evidence - Alternative Sites & Socio Economic Statement (Paul Parker)

G4a Appendix 1 FOI correspondence

G4b Appendix 2 - Email response

G4c Appendix 3 - Alternative Sites

G4d Appendix 4 - Aerial Photos

G4e Appendix 5 - Fylde Bird Club

G4f Appendix 6 Wymott Ponds highest counts

G4g Appendix 7 - Steve Barclay

G4h Appendix 8 Screenshots

G4i Appendix 9 prison-impact-review

G4j Appendix 10 Berwyn-Web-2019

G4k Appendix 11 Unemployment Statistics

Section H: National Planning Policy and guidance

H1 National Planning Policy Framework, dated July 2021

H2 Planning Practice Guidance

H3 Noise Policy Statement for England, dated March 2010

H4 DMRB LA 111 Noise and Vibration Revision 2

H5 WHO Guidelines for Community Noise, dated April 1999


Section I: Local Planning Policy, guidance and material considerations

I1 Chorley Local Plan 2012-2026 (Adopted 2015)

I2 Central Lancashire Core Strategy (Adopted 2012)

I3 Joint Lancashire Minerals and Waste Core Strategy Part 1 (2009)

I4 Joint Lancashire Minerals and Waste Core Strategy Part 2 (2009)

I5 Joint Lancashire Minerals and Waste Site Allocation and Development Management Policies Part 1 (2013)

I6 Joint Lancashire Minerals and Waste Site Allocation and Development Management Policies Part 2 (2013)

I7 Design Guide SPD (Central Lancashire) (Adopted 2012)

I8 Biodiversity and Nature Conservation SPD (Central Lancashire) (Adopted 2015)

I9 Employment Skills SPD (Central Lancashire) (Adopted 2017)

I10 Open Space and Playing Pitch SPD (Central Lancashire) (Adopted 2013)

I11 Renewable and Low Carbon Energy SPD (Chorley)

I12 Lancashire Strategic Economic Plan: A Growth Deal for the Arc of Prosperity (2014)

I13 Landscape Strategy for Lancashire - Landscape Character Assessment

I14 Landscape Strategy for Lancashire - Landscape Strategy

I15 to I19 (not used)

I20 Central Lancashire Rural Development SPD (October 2012)

I21 Chorley Open Space, Sports and Recreation Strategy Action Plan 2020 - 2036

Section J: Other

J1 Economic Impact of a New Prison, dated May 2013

J2 Pre-application response ref. AS ENQ/20/0145 (September 2020)

J3 [2005] Kemnal Manor Memorial Gardens Ltd v First Secretary of State [EWCA Civ 835]

J4 [2014] Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, Reigate and Banstead District Council and Tandridge District Council v Redhill Aerodrome Ltd [EWCA 1386]

J5 [2013] Wildie R (on the application of) v Wakefield Metropolitan District Council and Anor [EWHC 2769 (Admin)]

J6 GMEU Notes of Pre-application meeting 20.10.2020

J7 Prison Strategy White Paper (December 2021)

J8 Conservative 2019 Manifesto

J9 HMPPS Annual Digest 2020-21

J10 Proven Reoffending Stats Quarterly Bulletin April to June 2022

J11 Economic and Social Costs of Reoffending - Analytical report (2019)

J12 HMPPS Framework Document (April 2017)

J13 Population and Capacity Briefing for Friday 10 June 2022

J14 Prison Population Projections 2021 to 2026 

J15 The Social Care Needs of Short-Sentence Prisoners

J16 - Stakehill (South) Preliminary Ecological Appraisal

J17 - Katherine Fletcher Facebook Page Screen Grab 11.07.2022 10:38am

J18 Local Transport Note 1/95 The Assessment of Pedestrian Crossings

J19 Traffic Signs Manual - Chapter 6 Traffic Control 2019

Section K: Documents submitted during the inquiry

K1 Opening Statement on behalf of Ministry of Justice

K2 Opening Statement on behalf of Chorley Borough Council

K3 Opening Statement on behalf of UWAG

K4 Cllr Mary Green Statement

K5 Cllr Michael Green Statement

K6 Ground Investigation Report (April 2022)

K7 Wymott Ponds Search Area Boundary Plan

K8 20220426 - Initial Letter from Claire Pegg

K9 20220530-MoJ Response for Clarification

K10 20220531-UWAG Response to Site Search Outputs May2022

K11 Working Draft Construction Traffic Management Plan

K12 TA46-97

K13 Atkins Note on COBALT

K14 Atkins Note on CR

K15 Revised Site Phasing Plan (ref. 608623-0000-PEV-GHX0011-ZZ-DR-A-9400 Rev.P05)

K16 Updated Conditions Schedule 18.07.2022

K17 Updated s106 agreement 18.07.2022

K18 Updated draft CIL Compliance Statement 15.07.2022

K19 21.07.2022 Site Visit Itinerary

K20 Response to Heritage Questions

K21 Response to Flood Risk and Drainage Questions

K22 Updated s106 agreement 21.07.2022

K23 Updated Conditions Schedule 21.07.2022

K24 Closing Submissions on behalf of UWAG

K25 Closing Submissions on behalf of Chorley Borough Council

K25a Satnam Millenium Ltd v Secretary of State for Housing Communities and Local Government-3

K25b R (on the application of Chelmsford BC) v First Secretary of State

K25c R (on the application of Heath And Hampstead Society) v Camden LBC

K26 Closing Submissions on behalf of the Ministry of Justice

K26a 293 Trusthouse Forte Hotels Ltd. v Secretary of State for the Environment and Another

K26b R (on the application of East Meon Forge and Cricket Ground Protection Association) v East Hampshire

K26c R (on the application of Hawkhurst Parish Council) v Tunbridge Wells BC

K26d R (on the application of Save Stonehenge World Heritage Site Ltd) v Secretary of State for Transport

K26e R (on the application of Wildie) v Wakefield MDC

K26f Visao Ltd v Secretary of State for Housing Communities and Local Government

K26g Wychavon DC v Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government

Section L: Inquiry documents

L1 - Decision Letter and Inspectors Report

L2 - Letter from Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to Chorley Council and Ulnes Walton Action Group

L3 Case Management Conference Summary Note

L4 PCU Letter 15.11.2023

L5 PINS Email 04.12.2023 re responses to PCU 15.11.2023 letter

L6 PINS Email 04.03.2024 response to 01.03.2024 letters from LPA and UWAG

Section M: Appellant 2023 inquiry documents

M1 - Appellant Covering Letter 01.03.2023

M2 - Revised Draft Section 106 Agreement

M3 - Appellant Additional Highways Evidence March 2023

M3a - Appellant Additional Highways Evidence Appendices March 2023

M4 - Appellant Covering Letter 17.03.2023

M5 - Appellant Response to CC and UWAG Evidence March 2023

M6 - Steve Yeates Transport PoE Volume 2

M7 - 230821 Transport PoE Volume 2

M8 - Transport Rebuttal to Representations

M9 - Steve Yeates Transport Rebuttal

M10 - HMP GW2_Addendum PoE Volume 1_3.0

M10a - HMP GW2_ Addendum PoE Volume 2_3.0

M11 Final Draft Section 106 Agreement with manuscript amends

M12 Response 30.11.2023 to PCU 15.11.2023 Letter

M13 Letter to Inquiry 01.03.2024

M14 Letter to Inquiry 05.03.2024


Section N: LPA 2023 inquiry documents

N1 - Response from CBC 09.03.2023

N2 - WSP Technical Note 08.03.2023

N3 Updated Proof of Evidence Kevin Riley

N4 Updated Summary Proof of Evidence Kevin Riley

N5 Reopening - Kevin Riley PoE - updated 26.02.24

N6 Reopening - Kevin Riley PoE - Summary - updated 26.02.24

N7 Response 01.12.2023 to PCU 15.11.2023 Letter

N8 Letter to Inquiry 01.03.2024

N9 Rebuttal of Proof of Evidence of Mr Stephen Yeates

Section O: UWAG 2023 inquiry documents

O1 - Letter to SOS 060323 (003)

O2 - 230302 R6 PoE Highway Safety

O3 - 230302 R6 Appendix 1 - RTC Moss Lane

O4 - 230302 R6 Appendix 2 - RTC Lostock Bridge 2

O5 230302 R6 Appendix 3 - tractor

O6 230302 R6 Appendix 4 - hgvs 1

O7 230302 R6 Appendix 5 - Showground 2

O8 230302 R6 Appendix 6 parking 2

O9 230302 R6 Appendix 7 - Full Sutton 2

O10 230302 R6 Appendix 8 - Accidents

O11 230302 R6 Appendix 8 - Accidents-2 1

O12 230302 R6 Appendix 9 - Flooding 8

O13 230302 R6 Appendix 10 - Sample Residents Statements 1

O14 230302 R6 Appendix 11 - Road Widths 2

O15 230302 R6 Appendix 12 - Residents Press Letter 2

O16 230302 R6 Appendix 13 - Video Footage of Resident Walking 3

O17 230302 R6 Appendix 14 - Traffic at Southport Road Junction 3

O18 230302 R6 Appendix 15 School bus negotiating bridge

O19 230302 R6 Appendix 15 School bus negotiating bridge 3

O20 230302 R6 Appendix 16 - School Bus travelling South 3

O21 230302 R6 Appendix 17- The New Prison at Full SuttonP1 MOJ/UWAG Signed Highways Statement of Common Ground

O22 Graham Eaves PoE

O23 Graham Eaves PoE Appendices

O24 Graham Eves Summary

O25 - UWAG (Paul Parker) Proof of Evidence Logistics Routes Assessment

O26 - Summary of PoE - Paul Parker

Core documents O27 to 032 are video files that can be viewed on the Council's planning application search page by entering reference number: 21/01028/OUTMAJ

O33 - Paul Parker Appendix 6 - UWAG Logisitics Routes Compared

O34 - UWAG Logisitics Routes PoE Video Transcript for Appendices 1-5

O35 - UWAG (Lynette Morrissey) PoE Highway Safety

O36 - Summary of Highway Safety (Lynette Morrissey) PoE

O37 - Lynette Morrissey PoE Appendix 1 - Summary of Highways Issues

O38 - Lynette Morrissey PoE Appendix 2 - Schedule and Evidence of Incidents since March 2023

O39 - Lynette Morrissey PoE Appendix 3 - Schedule and Evidence of Accidents since March 2023

O40 - Lynette Morrissey PoE Appendix 4 - Schedule and Evidence of Traffic Usage since March 2023

O41 - Lynette Morrissey PoE Appendix 5 - Equestrian Usage In and Around Ulnes Walton

O42 - Lynette Morrissey PoE Appendix 6 - Cyclist Usage In and Around Ulnes Walton

O43 - Lynette Morrissey PoE Appendix 7 - Highway Safety - School Lane

O44 - Lynette Morrissey PoE Appendix 8 - Statements from School Crossing Patrol Staff

O45 - Lynette Morrissey PoE Appendix 9 - Emergency Call-Outs

Core documents O46 to 070 are video files that can be viewed on the Council's planning application search page by entering reference number: 21/01028/OUTMAJ

O72 - Response 20.11.2023 to PCU 15.11.2023 Letter

O73 - Letter to Inquiry 01.03.2024

O74 - Rebuttal Proof of Evidence of G Eves

O75 - Rebuttal Proof of Evidence of G Eves - Appendix 1

O76 - Rebuttal Proof of Evidence of G Eves - Appendix 2

Section P: Other 2023 appeal inquiry documents

P1 Statement of Common Ground between the Ministry of Justice and Ulnes Walton Action Group

P2 Statement of Common Ground between the Ministry of Justice and Chorley Council

P3 Tennat R Comments

P4 Symonds P Comments

P5 Tennat R comments submitted to MOJ (March 2024)

P6 Symonds P comments submitted to MOJ (March 2024)

P7 Noone J representations (August 2023)

P8 Plunkett M representations (August 2023)

P9 Webb M representations (August 2023)

P9a Webb M photos

P10 Ainsworth S representations (August 2023)

P11 Alty R representations (August 2023)

P12 Jackson K representations (August 2023)

P13 Williams D representations (March 2024)

P14 Dodenhoff P representations (March 2024)

P15 Dodenhoff P 2 representations (March 2024)

P16 Shaw C representations (March 2024)

P17 Casey S representations (March 2024)

P18 Bamber D representations (March 2024)

P19 Rees C representations (March 2024)

P20 Wright L representations (March 2024)

P21 Duckworth L representations (March 2024)

P22 Williams D 2 representations (March 2024)

P23 Nightingale J representations (March 2024)

P24 Cross L representations (March 2024)

P25 Fletcher P representations (March 2024)

P26 Websdell D representations (March 2024)

P27 Taylor D representations (March 2024)

P28 Bond T representations (March 2024)








P36 Representation

Section Q: Documents submitted during the 2024 inquiry

Q1 AtkinsRéalis Note on Updated Collision Analysis

Q2 Opening Statement on behalf of the Ministry of Justice

Q3 Opening Statement on behalf of Chorley Borough Council

Q4 Opening Statement on behalf of UWAG

Q5 - Signed s106 Agreement

Q6 - CIL Compliance Statement

Q7 Updated conditions schedule

Q8 NMU Survey Summary

Q9 - 14208 Lancashire NMU Survey Report Site 7 - Page 1

Q9 - 14208 Lancashire NMU Survey Report Site 7 - Page 2

Q9 - 14208 Lancashire NMU Survey Report Site 7 - Page 3

Q9 - 14208 Lancashire NMU Survey Report Site 7 - Page 4

Q11 A581 Side Flow Comparison

Q12 Mini Roundabout Locations

Q13 UWAG Closing Submissions 260424

Q14 Council Closing Submissions

Q15 Appellant's Closing Submissions

Q16a Chorley Costs Submissions

Q16b Appeal decisions 3301732 and 3301742

Q17 UWAG Costs submissions

Q18 MoJ Costs Response

Q19 UWAG final costs response

Q20a Dodenhoff P representations (May 2024)

Q20b Appeal decision ref. 3326187

Q21 Appellant Response to Surface Water Question - 16.05.2024

Q22 LPA Surface Water Flood Risk Response

Q22b Appendix 1 HMP Wymott Surface water flood map

Q23 UWAG response flood risk

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